by krc-admin | May 27, 2021 | Blog, Parsha Sheet by Rabbi Weiss
Presented by the Jewish Outreach Center of Ra’anana, Rabbi Shmuel (Stewart) Weiss: Director Our Sedra begins by discussing the daily (even Shabbat!) lighting of the Menora in the Mishkan. The Levi’im are consecrated by Moshe in their new position. The law...
by krc-admin | May 20, 2021 | Blog, Parsha Sheet by Rabbi Weiss
BY RABBI STEWART WEISS The check’s in the mail; the relationship is platonic; the cable guy’s coming between 10 and 12; the rabbi and the chazan get along wonderfully; “please hold the line, Bituach Leumi will be right with you;” yes, all kinds of myths abound in this...
by krc-admin | Apr 24, 2021 | Blog, Parsha Sheet by Rabbi Weiss
Written by: Rabbi Stewart Weiss “For I have seen this People, and this is a stiff-necked People.” (Exodus 32:9). We Jews have a lot of nick-names. We are called Hebrews, Mosaics, the People of the Book, the Chosen People. But perhaps the most cutting adjective used to...
by krc-admin | Mar 3, 2021 | Blog, Jewish History, Parsha Sheet by Rabbi Weiss
Article by: RABBI STEWART WEISS Sometimes, alas, our enemies get it right. As my colleague Rabbi Daniel Fox pointed out in a recent article, Haman hit the proverbial nail on the head when he described the Jews (Esther 3:8) as a “disjointed, disunified, dispersed”...
by krc-admin | Feb 24, 2021 | Blog, Jewish History, Parsha Sheet by Rabbi Weiss
Article by: RABBI STEWART WEISS Ahron & his sons are commanded to light the Menora in the Mishkan each day (inc. Shabbat!) with pure olive oil. Hashem describes to Moshe the special clothes worn by the Kohanim. Regular Kohanim wear 4 garments; the Kohen Gadol...
by krc-admin | Feb 15, 2021 | Blog, Jewish History, Parsha Sheet by Rabbi Weiss
Article by: RABBI STEWART WEISS Mishpatim deals primarily with social & civil laws, although we know every Mitzva draws its power & purpose from G-d’s will. Included in our Sedra’s 53 Mitzvot are: laws dealing with the indentured bondsman & his...