You’ll encounter these types of travelers wherever you are; whether you’re chilling on river cruises or in transit on a plane, you’re bound to bump into at least one of these people.
Number 1: The late-comer
“Final call for boarding for Mr. or Ms. __________“is blared through the speaker’s multiple times while everyone on board is anxiously waiting to see whether they’ll make it on time or not. “They’re five minutes away” they always say, when in truth they’ve just left the house. Don’t be this kind of traveler; it’s a hassle to yourself and everyone on the journey with you.
Number 2: The (way too) early-bird
They’re always the first one to board and the first one to get off. You’ll see them waiting in the front row, bags in hand, pillow around the neck, and ready to charge as soon as the gates open. And as soon as you dock, they zip through the crowd and into the pier.
Number 3: The vloggers
There’s not a second when they’re not holding their phones or cameras up to document everything. Everyone could be fast asleep, but they are on deck trying to get a good time-lapse photo of the view.
Number 4: The solo first-timer
You can always tell when someone is traveling alone for the first time. They give off an obviously anxious vibe and they’re hyper-aware of their surroundings. Be kind to this one. Strike a conversation with them; you may just hear some interesting stories as to why they decided to go on this journey alone.
Number 5: The critic
“The soup is too salty,” “These towels weren’t hot pressed,” “I need more ice in my drink.” We all know and have seen the critic on our travels. They complain about anything they can possibly complain about which makes you wonder why they went on the trip in the first place. They’re not complaining, they say, it’s quality control. Don’t believe them.
Number 6: The thrill seeker
Skydiving? Game. Freefalling in a canyon? Game. Go parasailing during a monsoon? But of course. The thrill seekers are the most exciting people to travel with because they’re constantly pushing themselves and their companions to take risks and break boundaries. There’s nothing too exciting or dangerous for these travelers. Just make sure they’ve got a helmet strapped to their heads 24/7.
Number 7: The Scrooge
If they can walk it, they will walk it. Forget about taking a cab; it’s expensive! It’s only five kilometers anyway, and there are sidewalks. The Scrooge will scrimp on anything as much as they can. They’re are always looking for the cheaper option. Contrary to popular belief, they’re actually great travel companions because they make sure you don’t go over budget. Just convince them to eat somewhere fancy every now and then.
Number 8: The veteran
They’ve traveled to so many places they can’t even count how many times they’ve explored the world. The veteran is who all travelers aim to be. They are courteous, on time, flexible, and easily adaptable to foreign decorum. This, of course, comes with years of experience and miles traveled.
Which traveler are you?
If you’re looking for a good Kosher tour option, be sure to check out Kosher River Cruises. We’re an all-inclusive travel option that welcomes travelers of all sorts. Feel free to contact us, we’ll be more than happy to help.