Be honest, we know you’re reading this recipe because you want to cook an easy-to-bake dessert. You don’t have to embarrassed about that. After all, we all want to spend more time eating than baking, don’t we?

So, get your baking equipment revved up – we’ll have a fun, exciting, and easy kosher dessert to do. Your taste buds will love this, 100% sure!



  • 13oz soft butter
  • 13 oz dark chocolate
  • 6 large eggs
  • Vanilla
  • 10 oz Plain flour
  • salt
  • 10 oz Chopped walnuts


  • Line the pan with greaseproof paper. Melt butter & chocolate together.
  • Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla.
  • Measure flour into a separate bowl.
  • Let the chocolate mixture cool, beat the eggs into the mixture, add nuts and flour. Beat smoothly.
  • Bake for 30 minutes in medium oven. Feel the top of the cake to see if the middle is still soft.
  • When it’s slightly firm, remove from the oven. It will continue to cook so do not refrigerate until very cool.
  • Should be soft, especially in the middle.