Jewish History

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Women in Ancient Israel
Women in Ancient Israel

In our exploration of Jewish history, it's essential to shine a light on the often overlooked, yet immensely important, aspect of women's lives in ancient Israel. As we journey through the annals of time, we'll dive into the historical and cultural context, the roles...

When did Judaism become Matrilineal?
When did Judaism become Matrilineal?

In Jewish history, the question of matrilineal descent has been a pivotal one, determining who is considered Jewish. This concept, which states that an individual is Jewish if their mother is Jewish, has played a significant role in shaping the Jewish identity. The...

Just How Awesomely Long is Jewish History, Anyway?
Just How Awesomely Long is Jewish History, Anyway?

Jewish history is not just long; it's awesomely long. The story of the Jewish people spans thousands of years, making it one of the oldest and most enduring civilizations in the world. In this blog, we'll explore the remarkable longevity of Jewish history and discuss...

The Rise of the Rabbis
The Rise of the Rabbis

  In our exploration of Jewish intellectual history, we journey back to the Second Temple period, stretching from 539 BCE to 70 CE, and even up to 200 CE. This era marks a significant transformation in Jewish intellectual and spiritual life, characterized by the...

Why did 300 Rabbis leave Provence for Israel in the year 1211?
Why did 300 Rabbis leave Provence for Israel in the year 1211?

The picturesque region of Provence is steeped in Jewish history, marked by a flourishing of Jewish culture, spirituality, and scholarly ideas. It was home to the sages of Provence who left an enduring legacy. Among the many stories that have left a mark in Jewish...

The Khazar Conversion
The Khazar Conversion

  Let's embark on a captivating journey deep into the heart of Khazaria and explore what we know about the conversion of the Khazars, an event that likely unfolded in the 8th century. The Khazar conversion story holds a unique place in Jewish history, not only...

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